Certified Ontological Coaching and Leadership Program – 18 months part-time
Whether in Leadership, Coaching and Life in general….
Knowing ourselves and being the master of our own destiny is vital in designing the life we choose. Unfortunately, we are not taught this in our formal education, What happens is so much of our lives we find ourselves on auto pilot, with habits and Ways of Being, that block us from reaching our potential.
Compounding this is that for many of us the new norm is having less time, experiencing increased responsibility, and feeling like we are just surviving. With change speeding up in all areas of our life we seem doomed to live a life not of our own choosing.
We need new ways of steering this complex and uncertain world, ways that put us firmly in the driving seat. And we need to be able to support the people we work with and who report to us to do the same.
Learning is the key to things being different
Most of the time we focus on learning about the ‘what’ of life. And while that can take us part of the way in life, it is not enough. In order to thrive and develop, we need to learn what makes us tick, and how to be able to take new and different action. We aren’t taught this in our education system, and often we are blind to how we see ourselves.
Ontological Coaching gives us a way to understand how to do life differently, and better. We learn about how language generates what is real for us, and doesn’t just describe reality. We also learn about how our moods shape what we will and won’t do. And we also learn how our physiology and bodies mould our perceptions and actions.
Ontological Coaching provides a deep understanding of what it means to be human
To become a coach requires a deep understanding of human beings and how people change, grow and develop. Along with that, coaches need ways to support that learning with their clients. Having strong theory foundations with practical application determines the value a coach can offer individuals, teams, and organisations. We provide this through in-depth and thorough training that develops coaching, leadership, and consulting excellence.
Ontological Coaching and what it means for Leadership
From a leadership perspective, leaders are paid to have high quality conversations that get results. We build and create the future with others in relationship and through conversations.
Organisations can be considered to be a network of relationships that happen through conversations. Understanding this is one thing, applying it is another.
To have effective conversations, it requires leaders know what they are doing with language, can use it effectively in general, and also that they have the ability to have coaching conversations. Moods, always present in conversations, are key to be able to positively influence the culture (mood) of the organisation, so being able to manage one’s mood is essential. And being able to use the body by way of leadership presence means that leaders are more impactful and influential.
Whether you are looking to develop as a Leader or Coach
Ontological Coaching and Leadership will give you an effective and practical how-to that will enable you as a leaders, coach or consultant to fast track your development.
International Coach Federation (ICF) Accredited Coach Training Programme (ACTP)
While there is substantial intellectual foundation to Ontological Coaching, the coaching and leadership programs are highly practical and ‘hands on’.
The course is a ‘highway’ course to getting your ICF coaching credential. It is the most direct way to do so and has been approved by the ICF as an ‘all inclusive’ coach training which offers start to finish coach training.

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